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Download Center

S.No Title Downloads
1Aviation - Loss of License Policy (Individual & Group) 
2Aviation - Personal Accident Policy (Individual & Group) 
3Overseas Mediclaim Policy Frequent Traveler Worldwide A- LE2 
4Overseas Mediclaim Policy Frequent Traveler Worldwide B - E1 
5Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business) Frequent Traveler Worldwide- E2 
6Overseas Mediclaim Schengen Policy 
7Overseas Travel Insurance 2014 
8Overseas Travel Insurance Policy CORPORATE FREQUENT TRAVELLER - WORLDWIDE (Plan E-1) 
9Overseas Travel Insurance Policy CORPORATE FREQUENT TRAVELLER - WORLDWIDE (Plan E-2) 
10Overseas Travel Insurance Policy Multi-Trip (Plan B - 3) 
11Overseas Travel Insurance Policy Multi-Trip (Plan B-1) 
12Overseas Travel Insurance Policy Multi-Trip (Plan B-2) 
13Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Including USA & Canada (Plan B-1) 
14Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Including USA & Canada (Plan B-2) 
15Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Including USA & Canada (Plan B-3) 
16Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Including USA & Canada (Plan B-4) 
17Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 1) 
18Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 2) 
19Overseas Travel Insurance Policy 2014 (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 3) 
20Revised Family Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24090V052324) 
21Revised Family Medicare Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP24090V052324) 
22Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24089V052324) 
23Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024)(UIN: UIIHLIP24089V052324) 
24Rural & Social - Agriculture Pumpset Insurance 
25Rural & Social - Animal Driven Cart Insurance 
26Rural & Social - Aquaculture (Shrimp & Prawn) Insurance 
27Rural & Social - Bhagyashri Child Welfare Insurance 
28Rural & Social - Bio-Gas Plant Insurance 
29Rural & Social - Blood Stock Insurance 
30Rural & Social - Calf (Livestock) Insurance 
31Rural & Social - Camel (Livestock) Insurance 
32Rural & Social - Cattle (Livestock) Insurance 
33Rural & Social - Cycle Rickshaw Insurance 
34Rural & Social - Dairy Package Insurance 
35Rural & Social - Duck Insurance 
36Rural & Social - Elephant Insurance 
37Rural & Social - Failed Well Insurance 
38Rural & Social - Farmers Package Policy 
39Rural & Social - Handloom Weavers Insurance 
40Rural & Social - Honey Bee Insurance 
41Rural & Social - Horse Mare Pony Mule Donkey Yak (Livestock) Insurance 
42Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance(Group Policy) 
43Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance(Individual Policy) 
44Rural & Social - Kissan Credit Card (accident) Insurance 
45Rural & Social - Pedal Cycle Insurance 
46Rural & Social - Pet Dog Insurance 
47Rural & Social - Pig (Livestock) Insurance 
48Rural & Social - Plantation Insurance 
49Rural & Social - Poultry Insurance 
50Rural & Social - Quail Insurance 
51Rural & Social - Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojna 
52Rural & Social - Salt works Insurance 
53Rural & Social - Sericulture Insurance 
54Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP23214V012223) 
55Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP23214V012223) 
56Super Top-Up Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024)(UIN:UIIHLIP22187V032122) 
57Super Top-Up Medicare Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122) 
58Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24134V012324) 
59Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP24134V012324) 
60Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25039V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
61Health - Family Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25037V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
62Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25036V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
63Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 1) 
64Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 2) 
65Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide excluding USA & Canada (Plan A- 3 
66Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Plan L -A1 Excluding USA & Canada 
67Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Plan L –A2 Excluding USA & Canada 
68Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Plan L –A3 Excluding USA & Canada 
69Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan B-1) 
70Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan B-2) 
71Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan B-3) 
72Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan B-4) 
73Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan L B-3) 
74Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan LB-1) 
75Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (Business & Holiday) Worldwide including USA & Canada (Plan LB-2) 
76Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (E&S) Plan C (Excluding USA & Canada) 
77Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (E&S) Plan C1 (Excluding USA & Canada) 
78Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (E&S) Plan D (Including USA& Canada) 
79Health - Overseas Mediclaim Policy (E&S) Plan D 1 (Including USA& Canada) 
80Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy ( UIN UIIHLIP23214V012223) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
81Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP22187V032122) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
82Health - Uni Criticare 
83Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy( UIN UIIHLIP25038V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
84Marine - Annual Policy 
85Marine - Duty Insurance Policy 
86Marine - Increased Value Insurance Policy 
87Marine - Open Cover 
88Marine - Open Policy 
89Marine - Seller's Contingency Insurance Policy 
90Marine - Specific Voyage Policy 
91Miscellaneous - Baggage Insurance Policy 
92Miscellaneous - Burglary Standard Policy 
93Miscellaneous - Carriers Legal Liability Policy 
94Miscellaneous - Money Insurance Policy 
95Miscellaneous - Plate Glass Insurance 
96Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Doctors 
97Miscellaneous - Public Liability for Non industrial Risks 
98Miscellaneous - United Cyber Kavach Insurance Policy 
99Motor Package and Liability only Policies - Motor Private Car Package Policy 
100Motor Package and Liability only Policies - Motor Two Wheeler Policy Package Policy 
S.No Title Downloads
1Aviation - Loss of License Policy 
2Aviation - Personal Accident Policy for Crew Members 
3Boiler and Pressure Plant 
4Civil Engineering Completed Risks 
5Contractor's Plant and Machinery 
6Deterioration of Stock 
7Electronic Equipment 
8Erection All Risk 
9Machinery Breakdown  
10Miscellaneous- Public Liability for Industrial Risk 
11Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) proposal cum consent form - Hindi 
12Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) proposal cum consent form - Tamil 
13Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) proposal cum consent form - Telegu 
14Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) proposal cum consent form-English 
15Rural & Social - Agriculture Pumpset Insurance 
16Rural & Social - Animal Driven Cart Insurance 
17Rural & Social - Aquaculture (Shrimp & Prawn) Insurance 
18Rural & Social - Bhagyashri Child Welfare Insurance 
19Rural & Social - Bio-Gas Plant Insurance 
20Rural & Social - Blood Stock Insurance 
21Rural & Social - Calf (Livestock) Insurance 
22Rural & Social - Camel (Livestock) Insurance 
23Rural & Social - Cattle (Livestock) Insurance 
24Rural & Social - Cycle Rickshaw Insurance 
25Rural & Social - Dairy Package Insurance 
26Rural & Social - Duck Insurance 
27Rural & Social - Elephant Insurance 
28Rural & Social - Failed Well Insurance 
29Rural & Social - Farmers Package Policy 
30Rural & Social - Handloom Weavers Insurance 
31Rural & Social - Honey Bee Insurance 
32Rural & Social - Horse Mare Pony Mule Donkey Yak (Livestock) Insurance 
33Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance 
34Rural & Social - Kissan Credit Card (accident) Insurance 
35Rural & Social - Pedal Cycle Insurance 
36Rural & Social - Pet Dog Insurance 
37Rural & Social - Pig (Livestock) Insurance 
38Rural & Social - Plantation Insurance 
39Rural & Social - Poultry Insurance 
40Rural & Social - Quail Insurance 
41Rural & Social - Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Bima Yojna 
42Rural & Social - Salt Works Insurance 
43Rural & Social - Sericulture Insurance 
44Fire - Consequential Loss Of Profits 
45Fire - Industrial All Risk 
46Fire - Standard Fire and Special perils Policy 
47Fire - United Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha 
48Fire - United Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha 
49Fire - United Value Griha Raksha Policy  
50Fire - United Value Udyam Suraksha 
51Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy 
52Health - Family Medicare Policy 
53Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy 
54Health - Overseas Travel Insurance 2014 
55Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy 
56Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy 
57Health - Uni Criticare 
58Health - United Shramik Seva Policy 
59Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy 
60Marine Hull - Fishing Vessels 
61Marine Hull - Inland Vessels & Dredgers 
62Marine Hull - Ocean Going Vessels 
63Miscellaneous - Product Liability 
64Miscellaneous - Special Contingency  
65Miscellaneous - All Risks Insurance 
66Miscellaneous - Baggage Insurance Policy 
67Miscellaneous - Bankers Indemnity Policy 
68Miscellaneous - Burglary Insurance Policy 
69Miscellaneous - Burglary Standard Policy 
70Miscellaneous - Carriers Legal Liability Policy 
71Miscellaneous - Compact Insurance Policy 
72Miscellaneous - Directors and Officers Liability 
73Miscellaneous - Errors & Omissions Policy(Medical Establishment) 
74Miscellaneous - Errors and Omissions Policy(Medical Establishment)-Bilingual 
75Miscellaneous - Fidelity Guarantee Policy 
76Miscellaneous - General Business and Product Liability 
77Miscellaneous - Gun Insurance Policy 
78Miscellaneous - Hoarding Insurance 
79Miscellaneous - Liquid Petroleum Gas 
80Miscellaneous - Money Insurance Policy 
81Miscellaneous - Personal Accident Policy 
82Miscellaneous - Plate Glass Insurance 
83Miscellaneous - Plate Glass-Bilingual 
84Miscellaneous - Product Liability-Bilingual 
85Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity  
86Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Accountant/Lawyers 
87Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Architect/Engineer 
88Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Doctors 
89Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity-Accountants,solicitors,lawyers,councels&Financial Consultants-Bilingual 
90Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity-Bilingual 
91Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity-Engineers,Architects & Interior decorators-Bilingual 
92Miscellaneous - Public Liability  
93Miscellaneous - Public Liability for Non industrial Risks 
94Miscellaneous - Television Insurance 
95Miscellaneous - UniCare Insurance Policy 
96Miscellaneous - United Cyber Kavach Insurance Policy 
97Miscellaneous - United Cyber Secure Policy 
98Miscellaneous - Wedding Bells 
99Miscellaneous - Wedding Bells-Bilingual 
100Motor - Liability Only-Commercial Vehicle 
101Motor - Package Policy - Two Wheeler & Private Car 
102Motor - Liability Only - Two Wheeler & Private Car 
103Motor - Package Policy - Commercial Vehicle 
104Motor - Package Policy - Miscellanous Vehicle 
S.No Title Downloads
1Aviation - Loss of License Policy 
2Aviation - Personal Accident Policy for Crew Members(Base Product) 
3Boiler And Pressure Plant Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
4Civil Engineering Completed Risks Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
5Contractors All Risks Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
6Contractors' Plant & Machinery Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
7Deterioration Of Stock Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
8Electronic Equipment Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
9Hoarding Insurance 
10Machinery Breakdown Insurance Policy(Base Product) 
11Marine Cum Erection Insurance Policy 
12Motor - Addon Cover Wordings For Commercial Vehicles 
13Motor - Addon cover wordings for Private Car 
14Motor - Addon cover wordings for Two Wheeler 
15Motor - Commercial Vehicles - Liability Only Policy 
16Motor - Commercial Vehicles - Package Policy Wordings 
17Motor - Liability Only Policy – Private Car 
18Motor - Liability Only Policy – Two Wheeler 
19Motor - Long Term Liability Only Policy For Private Cars ( 3 Years ) 
20Motor - Long Term Liability Only Policy For Two Wheelers ( 5 Years ) 
21Motor - Miscellaneous and Special Type of Policy Addon Wordings 
22Motor - Motorcycle_Scooter Package Policy 
23Motor - Motorcycle_Scooter Standalone Own Damage Policy 
24Motor - Private Car - 1 Year Own Damage Cover Bundled With 3 Years Liability Cover 
25Motor - Private Car Package Policy 
26Motor - Private Car Standalone Own Damage Policy 
27Motor - Standalone Compulsory Personal Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle Accident Policy 
28Motor - Two Wheeler-1 Year Own Damage Cover Bundled With 5 Yeas Liability Cover 
29Rural & Social - Agriculture Pumpset Insurance(Base Product) 
30Rural & Social - Animal Driven Cart Insurance(Base Product) 
31Rural & Social - Aquaculture (Shrimp & Prawn) Insurance(Base Product) 
32Rural & Social - Bhagyashree Child Welfare(Base Product) 
33Rural & Social - Bio Gas Plant Insurance(Base Product) 
34Rural & Social - Blood Stock Insurance(Base Product) 
35Rural & Social - Calf (Livestock) Insurance(Base Product) 
36Rural & Social - Camel (Livestock) Insurance(Base Product) 
37Rural & Social - Cattle (Livestock) Insurance(Base Product) 
38Rural & Social - Cycle Rickshaw Insurance(Base Product) 
39Rural & Social - Dairy Package Insurance(Base Product) 
40Rural & Social - Duck Insurance(Base Product) 
41Rural & Social - Elephant Insurance(Base Product) 
42Rural & Social - Failed Well Insurance(Base Product) 
43Rural & Social - Farmers Package Insurance(Base Product) 
44Rural & Social - Handloom Weavers Insurance(Base Product) 
45Rural & Social - Honey bee Insurance(Base Product) 
46Rural & Social - Horse Mare Pony Mule Donkey Yak (Livestock) Insurance(Base Product) 
47Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance(Group Policy) 
48Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance(Individual Policy) 
49Rural & Social - Kissan Credit Card (accident) Insurance(Base Product) 
50Rural & Social - Pedal Cycle Insurance(Base Product) 
51Rural & Social - Pet Dog Insurance(Base Product) 
52Rural & Social - Pig (Livestock) Insurance(Base Product) 
53Rural & Social - Plantation Insurance(Base Product) 
54Rural & Social - Poultry Insurance(Base Product) 
55Rural & Social - Quail Insurance(Base Product) 
56Rural & Social - Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojna(Base Product) 
57Rural & Social - Salt Work Insurance(Base Product) 
58Rural & Social - Sericulture Insurance(Base Product) 
59Fire - Add on covers (Earthquake & Terrorism) 
60Fire - Add-on Covers - United Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha 
61Fire - Add-on Covers - United Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha 
62Fire - Add-on Covers - United Value Udyam Suraksha 
63Fire - Policy Terms & Conditions 
64Fire - United Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha Policy 
65Fire - United Bharat Griha Raksha Policy 
66Fire - United Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Policy 
67Fire - United Value Griha Raksha Policy (Base Product) 
68Fire - United Value Udyam Suraksha Policy(Base Product) 
69Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25039V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
70Health - Family Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25037V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
71Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25036V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
72Health - List of Non-Medical Expenses under Indemnity based Health Policies– Payable/Not Payable 
73Health - Overseas Travel Insurance 2014 
74Health - Revised Family Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24090V052324) 
75Health - Revised Family Medicare Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP24090V052324) 
76Health - Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24089V052324) 
77Health - Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP24089V052324) 
78Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP23214V012223) 
79Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy ( UIN UIIHLIP23214V012223) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
80Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP23214V012223) 
81Health - Super Top-Up Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP22187V032122) 
82Health - Super Top-Up Medicare Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP22187V032122) 
83Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP22187V032122) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
85Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024)(UIIHLIP24134V012324) 
86Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy (Policies issued before 1st April 2024) (UIN: UIIHLIP24134V012324) 
87Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy( UIN UIIHLIP25038V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
88Miscellaneous - Baggage Insurance Policy (Base Product) 
89Miscellaneous - Burglary Standard Policy (Base Product) 
90Miscellaneous - Carriers Legal Liability Policy 
91Miscellaneous - Crop Insurance - PMFBY 
92Miscellaneous - Crop Insurance - RWBCIS 
93Miscellaneous - Group PA Policy 
94Miscellaneous - Individual Personal Accident Policy 
95Miscellaneous - Money Insurance Policy (Base Product) 
96Miscellaneous - Overseas Mediclaim (B&H Schengen Countries) 
97Miscellaneous - Overseas Mediclaim (B&H) 
98Miscellaneous - Overseas Mediclaim (E&S) 
99Miscellaneous - Plate Glass Insurance (Base Product) 
100Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Doctors (Base Product) 
101Miscellaneous - Public Liability for Non industrial Risks ( Base Product) 
102Miscellaneous - UniCare Insurance Policy 
103Miscellaneous - United Cyber Kavach Insurance Policy ( Base Product) 
104Miscellaneous - United Cyber Secure Policy 
S.No Title Downloads
1Aviation - Loss of License Policy 
2Aviation - Personal Accident Policy for Crew Members 
3Fire - United Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha 
4Fire - United Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha 
5Fire - United Value Griha Raksha Policy  
6Fire - United Value Udyam Suraksha 
7Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25039V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
8Health - Family Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25037V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
9Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy (UIN UIIHLIP25036V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
10Health - Overseas Travel Insurance 2014 
11Health - Revised Family Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24090V052324) 
12Health - Revised Individual Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24089V052324) 
13Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP23214V012223) 
14Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy( UIN UIIHLIP23214V012223) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
15Health - Super Top-Up Medicare Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP22187V032122) 
16Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy (UIN UIIHLIP22187V032122) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
18Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy (New policies issued after 1st April 2024) (UIN:UIIHLIP24134V012324) 
19Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy( UIN UIIHLIP25038V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
20Miscellaneous - Baggage Insurance Policy 
21Miscellaneous - Burglary Standard Policy 
22Miscellaneous - Carriers Legal Liability Policy 
23Miscellaneous - Crop Insurance - PMFBY 
24Miscellaneous - Crop Insurance - RWBCIS 
25Miscellaneous - Group PA 
26Miscellaneous - Individual PA 
27Miscellaneous - Money Insurance Policy 
28Miscellaneous - Plate Glass Insurance  
29Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Doctors 
30Miscellaneous - Public Liability for Non industrial Risks 
31Miscellaneous - United Cyber Kavach Insurance Policy 
32Miscellaneous - United Cyber Secure Policy 
33Motor - Liability Only Policy – Private Car 
S.No Title Downloads
1Aviation - Loss of License Policy 
2Aviation - Personal Accident Policy for Crew Members 
3Engineering - Boiler and Pressure Plant Insurance 
4Engineering - Contractor's All Risk Insurance  
5Engineering - Deterioration of stocks in Cold Storage Insurance 
6Engineering - Electronic Equipment Insurance 
7Engineering - Erection All Risks Insurance 
8Engineering - Machinery Breakdown & Machinery Loss of Profits Insurance 
9PMSBY Claim Form,Discharge Voucher and Claim Procedure - English 
10PMSBY Claim Form,Discharge Voucher and Claim Procedure - Hindi 
11Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana(PMSBY) claim form - Telegu 
12Rural & Social - Agricultural Pumpset Insurance 
13Rural & Social - Animal Driven Cart Insurance 
14Rural & Social - Aquaculture (Shrimp & Prawn) Insurance 
15Rural & Social - Bhagyashree Child Welfare Policy 
16Rural & Social - Bio Gas Plant Insurance 
17Rural & Social - Blood Stock Insurance 
18Rural & Social - Calf (Livestock) Insurance 
19Rural & Social - Camel (Livestock) Insurance 
20Rural & Social - Cattle (Livestock) Insurance 
21Rural & Social - Cycle Rickshaw Insurance 
22Rural & Social - Dairy Package Insurance 
23Rural & Social - Duck Insurance 
24Rural & Social - Elephant Insurance 
25Rural & Social - Failed Well Insurance 
26Rural & Social - Farmers Package Insurance 
27Rural & Social - Handloom Weavers Insurance 
28Rural & Social - Honey Bee Insurance 
29Rural & Social - Horse Pony Mare Donkey Yak Mule Insurance (Livestock) 
30Rural & Social - Janata Personal Accident Insurance 
31Rural & Social - Kisan Credit Card Group Insurance 
32Rural & Social - Pedal Cycle Insurance 
33Rural & Social - Pet Dog Insurance 
34Rural & Social - Pig (Livestock) Insurance 
35Rural & Social - Plantation Insurance 
36Rural & Social - Poultry Insurance 
37Rural & Social - Quail Insurance 
38Rural & Social - Raja Rajeshwari Mahila Kalyan Yojna 
39Rural & Social - Salt Works Insurance 
40Rural & Social - Sericulture Insurance 
41Tamil Nadu Floods 2015 : Claim Intimation Form 
42Fire - Industrial All Risk 
43Fire - Standard Fire and Special perils Policy 
44Fire - United Bharat Griha Raksha Policy  
45Fire - United Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Policy 
46Fire - United Bharat Sookshma Udyam Suraksha Policy 
47Fire - United Value Griha Raksha Policy  
48Fire - United Value Udyam Suraksha Policy 
49Health - Overseas Travel Insurance 2014 
50Health - Standard Claim form for all policies 
51Marine Cargo - Claim Form 
52Miscellaneous - All Risks Insurance Policy 
53Miscellaneous - Baggage Insurance Policy 
54Miscellaneous - Bankers Indemnity Policy 
55Miscellaneous - Burglary Insurance-Bilingual 
56Miscellaneous - Burglary Standard Policy 
57Miscellaneous - Carriers Legal Liability Policy 
58Miscellaneous - Fidelity Guarantee Policy 
59Miscellaneous - Gun Insurance Policy 
60Miscellaneous - House Holders Policy 
61Miscellaneous - Jewellers Block 
62Miscellaneous - Money Insurance Policy 
63Miscellaneous - Personal Accident 
64Miscellaneous - Plate Glass Insurance 
65Miscellaneous - Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana 
66Miscellaneous - Product Liability 
67Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity  
68Miscellaneous - Professional Indemnity for Doctors 
69Miscellaneous - Public Liability  
70Miscellaneous - UniCare Insurance Policy 
71Miscellaneous - Unihome Care 
72Miscellaneous - United Cyber Kavach Insurance Policy 
73Miscellaneous - United Cyber Secure Policy 
74Miscellaneous - Wedding Bells || Miscellaneous 
75Motor - OD Claim Form 
S.No Title Downloads
1Overseas Travel Insurance_2014 - Excluding GST 
2Overseas Travel Insurance_2014 - Including GST 
3Personal Accident Insurance Policy 
4Saral Suraksha Bima United India Insurance 
5Uni Criticare - Excluding GST 
6Uni Criticare - Including GST 
7Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (Excl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25039V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
8Health - Arogya Sanjeevani Policy (Incl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25039V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
9Health - Family Medicare Policy (Excl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25037V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
10Health - Family Medicare Policy (Incl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25037V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
11Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy(Excl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25036V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
12Health - Individual Health Insurance Policy(Incl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP25036V062425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
13Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy(Excl GST) ( UIN UIIHLIP23214V012223) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
14Health - Samaveshi Suraksha Health Insurance Policy(Incl GST) ( UIN UIIHLIP23214V012223) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
15Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy (Excl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP22187V032122) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
16Health - Super Top-up Medicare Policy (Incl GST) (UIN UIIHLIP22187V032122) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
17Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy(Excl GST) ( UIN UIIHLIP25038V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
18Health - Yuvaan Health Insurance Policy(Incl GST) ( UIN UIIHLIP25038V022425) w.e.f 01.10.2024 
S.No Title Downloads
1Pension Life Certificate 2016 circular 

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