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Network Hospital/Providers

General Instructions regarding PPN Empanelment:

We are open for empanelment of new hospitals in following notified cities. This activity is lead by Lead Insurers zone wise ( Oriental Insurance in North, New India Assurance in West, National Insurance in East and United India Insurance in South) in notified cities. Interested hospitals / Nursing Homes of respective cities can write on the below mentioned mail IDs with the details like Profile of the Hospital, ROHINI ID, NABH Entry Level Certificate / Application status, Cash tariff of the Hospital, Registration Certificate issued by the Local Authority etc. for empanelment process.

NOTE: The empanelment of new Hospitals and rate revision exercise of Hospitals during renewal under Preferred Provider Network (PPN) is a transparent exercise done by the respective 'Regional Committee' comprising of members from the 4 PSU General Insurers. All hospitals are requested to directly contact the Networking Team of lead insurers (Oriental Insurance in North Zone, New India Assurance in West Zone, National Insurance in East Zone and United India Insurance in South Zone) through email addresses shared below. Any third-party intermediary from the Hospital side shall not be entertained. TPAs and any Third-party Consultants are not required to be involved for rate negotiations.

The discretion of accepting or rejecting the Hospital empanelment request lies with the Lead Insurer.

PPN Hospital List email ids:

Madurai- ppn[dot]madurai[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in, Vizag- ppn[dot]vizag[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in,

Kochi- ppn[dot]kochi[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in, Hubli- ppn[dot]hubli[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in

S.No. Title Downloads
1 Ahmedabad - PPN Hospitals List
2 Bangalore - PPN Hospital List, email Id - ppn[dot]bengaluru[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
3 Chandigarh - PPN Hospitals List
4 Chennai - PPN Hospitals List, email ID -ppn[dot]chennai[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
5 Coimbatore-PPN Hospital List, email ID - ppn[dot]coimbatore[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
6 Delhi - PPN Hospitals List
7 Hubli- ppn[dot]hubli[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
8 Hyderabad - PPN Hospitals List, email ID - ppn[dot]hyderabad[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
9 Indore-PPN Hospitals list
10 Jaipur - PPN Hospitals List
11 Kolkata-PPN Hospital List
12 Madurai- ppn[dot]madurai[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in
13 Mumbai - PPN Hospitals List
14 Nagpur - PPN Hospitals List
15 Pune - PPN Hospitals List
S.No. Title Details
1 Ericson Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
2 Family Health Plan Insurance TPA Limited
3 Genins India Insurance TPA Ltd
4 Good Health Insurance TPA Ltd
5 Health India Insurance TPA Services Pvt.Ltd.
6 Health Insurance TPA of India Ltd
7 Heritage Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd
8 MDIndia Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd
9 Medi Assist Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd
10 Medsave Health Insurance TPA Ltd
11 Paramount Health Services & Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd
12 Raksha Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd
13 Safeway Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd
14 Vidal Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd
15 Volo Health Insurance TPA Pvt. Ltd.
S.No. Title Downloads
1 For Non-Network Hospitals - Procedure for availing Cashless under Cashless Everywhere
2 Letter of Consent for extending Cashless to the beneficiaries of the Company

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