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Right To Information Act

The Government of India has enacted the "Right to Information Act 2005". In order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of any Public Authority, the Act provides right to citizens to secure access to information of general nature. The Public Sector Insurance Companies are "Public Authorities" for the purpose of this Act.

Information Available Under The Act

The right to information includes an access to the information, which is held by or under the control of the Public Authority and includes the right to inspect the work, document, records, taking notes, extracts or certified copies of documents / records and certified samples of the materials and obtaining information which is also stored in electronic form.

The Information Exempted From Disclosure

The Act provides under Sections 8 and 9, certain categories of information that are exempt from disclosure to the citizens. The public may also refer to the relative sections of the Act before submitting a request for information.

How To Get The Information

Any citizen can request for information by sending the application with the required fee in the prescribed manner. The application is to be submitted to our Branch / Divisional / Regional Offices, which will be forwarded to the respective Public Information Officers. The information would be made available within 30 days from the date of receipt of request, provided the information can be furnished as per the Act.

Guidelines for filing of an RTI application under the  RTI Act, 2005
  • The applicant has to declare that he/she is a Citizen of India and provide complete address of communication.
  • The applicant should seek the information required under RTI in clear, legible hand written or printed form.
  • The Subject of the RTI application should mention "˜Information sought under RTI Act, 2005."
  • As per sub-section (1) of Section 6, RTI fees of Rs.10/- has to be enclosed along with the application by way of demand draft, Indian Postal Order, Bankers cheque favouring United India Insurance Co. Ltd - payable at the place where the application is to be submitted. (No fee is payable for BPL families. A copy of the attested BPL certificate has to be attached along with the application).
  • As per sub-section (4) of section 4 and sub-sections (1) and (5) and Section 7 of the Act  the following additional fees shall be charged for providing information -
    (a) rupees two for each page in A-3 or smaller size paper (b) actual cost of price of a photocopy in large size paper, (c) actual cost of price for samples or models, (d) rupees fifty per diskette or floppy, (e) price fixed for a publication or rupees two per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.
    - No fee for inspection of records for the first hour of inspection and a fee of rupees five for each subsequent hour of fraction thereof: and so much of postal charge involved in supply of information that exceeds fifty rupees.
  • The application duly signed in individual capacity has to be sent to the Central Public Information Officer (CPIO) / Assistant central Public Information Officer (ACPIO) concerned. Names of the CPIO along with the address are available under the head "˜List of Information officers" in the RTI page (
  • To facilitate speedy disposal of applications Region wise mapping of Central Public Information Officers and First Appellate Authorities has been done. Please refer to our RTI web link - for the details of CPIO to whom the application has to be sent.
  • The CPIO of Head office is Shri B Sada Shiva Shankar/ E-mail id is bsadashivashankar[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in and RTI departments phone no.s are 28575459,391,355. For list of CPIOs at Regional offices please refer to para (6).
  • The applicant  can file a First Appeal under Sec. 19 of the RTI Act with the First Appellate Authority within 30 days from the receipt of response from the CPIO for non receipt of decision by the CPIO or is aggreived by the decision of the CPIO.  
  • The First Appellate Authority of Head office is Shri Pranay Kumar   / E-mail id is pranaykumar[at]uiic[dot]co[dot]in For list of  FAA of R.O.s please refer to para (6).
  • The appellant  can file a Second Appeal under Sec. 19(3) of the RTI Act with the CIC at Room No.296, II Floor, B Wing, August Kranti Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110066 within 90 days if the Appellate Authority fails to pass an order on the appeal within the prescribed period or if the appellant is not satisfied with the order of the First Appellate Authority.
  • As per the provisions of the RTI Act no RTI application/appeal will be entertained through e-mail. A hard copy of the application/appeal has to be sent to the CPIO/FAA concerned for processing the same.


S.No Title View
2 List of CPIOs & Appellate Authorities FY 2024-25
3 Particulars Of Organisation Functions And Duties
4 Particulars of Organisation , functions and duties - Committees Constituted
5 Details of Internal committee of HRM
6 Power And Duties Of Officers And Employees
7 CDA Rules 2014
8 Amendment to CDA Rules 2014 dated 01.03.2018
9 Amendment to CDA Rules 2014 dated 27.11.2023
10 The Norms Set By It For The Discharge Of Its Functions
11 Rules , Regulations, Instructions manual and records for discharging functions - Transfer Policy and Transfer orders Class 3 & 4 Inter Region Request FY-2023-2024
12 Procedure Followed In The Decision Making Process Including Channels Of Supervision And Accountability
13 The Rules Regulations Instructions Manuals And Records Held By It Or Under Its Control Or Used By Its Employees For Discharging Its Functions
14 Rules , Regulations, Instructions manual and records for discharging functions - Transfer Policy and Transfer orders Officers 2002
15 Rules , Regulations, Instructions manual and records for discharging functions - Transfer Policy and Transfer orders officers Amendment dtd 05-10-2009.
16 Rules , Regulations, Instructions manual and records for discharging functions - Transfer Policy and Transfer orders officers Amendment dtd 09-08-2017.
17 Rules , Regulations, Instructions manual and records for discharging functions - Transfer Policy and Transfer orders officers Amendment dtd 22-05-2019.
18 A Statement Of The Categories Of Documents That Are Held By It Or Under Its Control
19 The Particulars Of Any Arrangement That Exists For Consultation With Or Representation By The Members Of The Public In Relation To The Formulation Of Its Policy Or Implementation Thereof
20 Statement On The Board and Sub-Committees Of The Board
21 Directory Of Key Officers And Employees
22 Directory of officers and employees - Name and Designation
23 Statement Of Monthly Remuneration Of Officers And Employees Including System Of Compensation
24 Details of third party audit of voluntary disclosure
25 Budget Allocation & Expenditure
26 Details on Number of employees against whom Vigilance Disciplinary action has been proposed / taken
27 Details on Number of employees against whom NON - Disciplinary action has been proposed / taken
28 Manner Of Execution Of Subsidy Programmes Including The Amounts Allocated And The Details Of Beneficieries Of Such Programmes
29 Particulars Of Receipents Of Concessions Permits Or Authorisations Granted By It
30 Details Of Information Available Or Held In Electronic Form
31 Particulars Of Facilities Available To Citizens For Obtaining Information
32 Information Related to procurements in organisation
34 Information of manual / handbook at a reasonable cost of the medium
35 Details of Appointment of nodal officers not below the rank of Joint Secretary / Additional HOD
36 Categories of documents held by the authority under its control - Custodian of documents / Categories.
37 Information of Boards , Councils , Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of the public authority
38 List of CPIOs & Appellate Authorities FY 2015-16
39 List of CPIOs FY 2018-19
40 List of CPIOs & Appellate Authorities FY 2022-23
41 List of CPIOs & Appellate Authorities FY 2023-24
42 Name, designation and other particulars of CPIOs & Appellate Authorities
43 All India CPIO and Appellate authority list
44 Details of List of schemes/projects/programmes underway
46 1st Quarterly Returns 2023-24 submitted to CIC - RTI Annual return information
47 2nd Quarterly Returns 2023-24 submitted to CIC - RTI Annual return information
48 Foreign & Domestic Tours - Budget
49 Statement of Foreign Travel undertaken by Employees/ Officers
50 3rd Quarterly Returns 2023-24 submitted to CIC - RTI Annual return information
51 Information of Manual / Handbook updated details
52 Educational Program
53 List of completed Schemes / Projects / Projects / Programmes


Insurance Regulatory & Development Authority has announced that the non-life insurers would be free to price their products, except for Motor Third Party Premium risks. That means that the non-life Industry in India would not have any rates under Tariff as, with this announcements, segments of Fire, Motor OD,Engineering & Workmen Compensation has also been detariffed. The wordings, clause and conditions that would apply for the Segments of Insurance of Fire, Engineering, Workmen Compensation, Motor would continue for the Industry and all the insurers would be using them. At United India, we have carried out extensive exercise on coming out with the best rates for our customers in the recently detariffed segments of fire, Engineering, OD portion of Motor and Workmen Compensation. Our Customers would get the price that would be commensurate to the risk profile of the asset to be insured. We have built in attractive rates for those risks, which have better safety features and has better loss experience. Therefore, the customers of United India would be assured of the best terms and conditions that the Industry can offer. For details, please do get in touch with our nearest office. You would not have any problems in finding our offices as we have 1695 offices spread across the country. 

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