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Products - Personal-accident

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Note : A brief snapshot about the policy is given.For complete information refer to policy wordings or visit our nearest branch office.

We Cover
  • Physical loss to an individual due to an accidental injury ( including fatal)
Who can be Insured ?
  • Any individual or group of individuals ( through employer association and institution etc) aged between 5 and 70. Subject to medical examination at 70 a person can be covered up to 80.
Insured against what risk ?
  • Death or disablement from accidental bodily injury ( anywhere in the world).

When an accidental injury being the sole and direct cause results ( during the period of insurance) in:

Death 100 % of Sum Insured
Permanent Total Disablement 100 % of Sum Insured
Loss of two limbs/ Two eyes or one limb and one eye 100 % of Sum Insured
Loss of one limb or one eye 50 % of Sum Insured
Permanent Partial Disablement Varying % of Sum Insured as per policy
Temporary Total Disablement 1 % of Capital Sum Insured per week Subject to a maximum of Rs 3000 per week for a maximum period of 100 weeks

On payment of extra premium medical expenses incurred up to 25 % of claim or 10 % of Sum Insured can be covered.

Policy also pays for education fund for dependant children (2) of deceased insured and expenses of carriage of dead body of insured from accident site ( as per details in policy)

Attractive cumulative bonus at the time of renewal by way of increasing the Sum Insured by 5 % for each completed claim free year of insurance ( maximum of 50 % CSI ) without collecting extra premium as per policy.

Policy will not pay under below circumstances:
  • Compensation under more than one clause for same period of disability not exceeding capital sum insured
  • Any payment after admission of a claim for 50 % / 100 % of Capital Sum Insured
  • Any claim in the same period of insurance exceeding the Capital Sum Insured
  • Suicide attempt there at VD criminal breach of law accidental death/injury under influence of liquor/drugs
  • Pregnancy related claim
  • War and nuclear perils
  • Particulars of cover liability and exclusion given above are not complete or exhaustive :
  • Our nearest Branch Office branch may be approached for complete details.

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