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Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme


Note-Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme

  • Particulars of cover liability and exclusion given above are not complete or exhaustive :
  • Our nearest Branch Office branch may be approached for complete details.

What Will Policy not Pay?-Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme

The policy does not cover liability in respect of death disablement or injury or any loss or damage caused by:-
  • War group of perils nuclear perils
  • Intentional self injury suicide insanity breach of law
  • Malicious or willful injury or neglect or overloading or strain unskilled treatment
  • Theft of accessories unless the cart itself is stolen
  • Theft clandestine sale of the insured animal
  • Wear and tear depreciation consequential loss and dismantling of cart for the purpose of repairs.

What Will Policy Pay and how much?-Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme



1. In case of damage actual expenses of repair subject to deduction towards depreciation and under-insurance

2. Damage to hard or pneumatic rubber tyres payable up to 50% only when the same are damaged along with cart.

3. In case of total loss 75 % of sum insured or market value whichever is less Item 1 & 2 subject to an excess of Rs. 100/- or Rs. 200/- per Cart/Tonga respectively


1. Sum insured or market value whichever is less in case of death


About the Policy-Animal Driven Cart Insurance Scheme

We Cover
  • Cart / Tonga that is pulled by the animal.
  • Animal used for pulling the said Cart / Tonga such as He-buffaloes Bullocks horse Mule Donkey and Camel as the case may be.
Who can be insured ?

Death / PTD of animal and loss or damage to cart / tonga and its accessories by:-


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