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Products - Cattle and Livestock Policy

Note : A brief snapshot about the policy is given.For complete information refer to policy wordings or visit our nearest branch office.

We Cover

All indigenous/cross breed/exotic animals in the prescribed age groups duly fixing the value and certifying the health of the proposed animal by a qualified Veterinary Doctor.

Who can be insured ?
  • Animal owners / private dairies / cooperative dairies / NDDB owned dairies.
Insured against What Risks ?
  • Death due to accidents including fire lightning flood and cyclone or disease contracted or occurred during the currency of the policy period.
  • Permanent Total Disability due to total incapacity to conceive or yield milk by paying extra premium.

Policy pays sum insured or market value prior to illness subject to production of following documents.

  • Duly completed claim form.
  • Death certificate from a qualified veterinary surgeon.
  • Policy / Certificate.
  • Ear tag.
Policy does not cover
  • Malicious or wilful misconduct or neglect over loading unskilled treatment or use of the animal for the purpose other than stated in the policy without the consent of the company in writing.
  • Accidents occurred or diseases contracted prior to commencement of risk.
  • Intentional slaughter.
  • Transport by air / sea and road beyond 80 kms.
  • Theft / clandestine sale missing of insured animal.
  • Partial disablement of any type.
  • War perils.
  • Nuclear perils
  • Consequential loss
  • Death of animals due to disease within 15 days from the inception of policy.
  • Pleuro pnemonia  --- Lakhimpur ----- districts of Assam.
  • PTD – To conceive or yield milk or total milk --- for breeding
  • Particulars of cover liability and exclusion given above are not complete or exhaustive :
  • Our nearest Branch Office branch may be approached for complete details.

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